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Thanks Bobby

You said, "Our country can't afford to "inch by inch" anymore and watch multi BILLIONS of OUR hard earned dollars extorted by money mongering munitulative tyrants (thieves)."
So instead of winning inch by inch you are willing to follow JS and Rockwell down the path to losing the entire country in one fell swoop -- and that includes whatever it is that you think you own independently.
If you are from Germany then hopefully you will get around to reading Road to Serfdom by von Hayek if you haven't already. Believe me Rockwell's message is a road to Serfdom. My guess is that he hopes to become the tyrant himself.
Ask Mr. Rockwell and JS this: in the entire history of the world can you name one anarchy that is/was successful?
If you have been following this discussion as closely as you have indicated then you know I have challenged JS to name a successful anarchy many times.
I am still waiting for her answer. She hasn't got one and neither has anyone else.
But, I am not asking you to give up your lifestyle or your ideals. I ask you to register for the next election. Study the candidates and the issues. Then pick out the worse candidates/issues in light of your ideals and cast a vote against that person or issue.
You might try this. I assume you are against Canada's national health care system by whatever name it is known in Canada. Register for the next election, study the candidates to determine which is proposing the greatest expansion of the system and then vote against him or her.

Ron~watch the serfs on Monday night....

As for your comment of my following JS & Rockwell, I don't follow anyone, including you.... If I/we were followers , we wouldn't have been brave enough to homescholar our kiddos. I will try and find time to read "Road to Serfdom" by Von Hayek, presently we're reading " The Secret Mulroney Tapes" Unguarded confessions of Prime Minister. by Peter C. Newman.

Our family is foccusing on the future, dwelling in the past isn't our goal, learning from past errors and forging forward is our goal.

Sorry I don't know much about Rockwell and his agenda but enjoy some of the articles on that board. They're a breath of fresh air at times.

Your successful anarchy questions have had me scratching my head. What is anarchy Ron? Your country defieted the Brits in one of the biggest "revolutions" in history, except Russia maybe. (success , yes?) Weigh that word anarchy, it means rebellion and revolution, as well as misgovernment, as well as mutiny.

The Canadian ship of dictatorship will be experiencing somewhat of a mutiny on Monday when the serfs go to the polls and hope to topple the dicatorships (sucking our bank account dry) we've had to live with for decades.

Ron, your don't have to resort to namecalling darlin, just cuz someone has different views. I have a great deal of respect for JS and family. Traveling 10 thousand miles through your country was an eye opener, you might try a tour like that sometime soon.


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Replying to:

You said, "Our country can't afford to "inch by inch" anymore and watch multi BILLIONS of OUR hard earned dollars extorted by money mongering munitulative tyrants (thieves)."
So instead of winning inch by inch you are willing to follow JS and Rockwell down the path to losing the entire country in one fell swoop -- and that includes whatever it is that you think you own independently.
If you are from Germany then hopefully you will get around to reading Road to Serfdom by von Hayek if you haven't already. Believe me Rockwell's message is a road to Serfdom. My guess is that he hopes to become the tyrant himself.
Ask Mr. Rockwell and JS this: in the entire history of the world can you name one anarchy that is/was successful?
If you have been following this discussion as closely as you have indicated then you know I have challenged JS to name a successful anarchy many times.
I am still waiting for her answer. She hasn't got one and neither has anyone else.
But, I am not asking you to give up your lifestyle or your ideals. I ask you to register for the next election. Study the candidates and the issues. Then pick out the worse candidates/issues in light of your ideals and cast a vote against that person or issue.
You might try this. I assume you are against Canada's national health care system by whatever name it is known in Canada. Register for the next election, study the candidates to determine which is proposing the greatest expansion of the system and then vote against him or her.

Ron~watch the serfs on Monday night....

Bobby, "Our family is foccusing on the future, dwelling in the past isn't our goal, learning from past errors and forging forward is our goal."
If I put that together with your comment about not being a follower then it sounds to me as if you have a great plan.
However as I read your comments about what I've said I seem to be misunderstood. No doubt if I am misunderstood it is due to my not explaining my position clearly.
In the first place my comments are intended only in regard to my own country. I am a citizen here and have a vested interest in my country's future.
I have visited Canada, as well as most of the US, and enjoyed my travels very much. However I am not a citizen of Canada so if I made any comments about its governance my comments would be strictly gratuitous.
So what am I recommending for my own country. I contend that our first job as citizens is a responsibility to educate ourselves. As parents we have an obligation to educate our children at least to the point that they can assume that responsibility themselves. That is exactly why I am a devotee of Bauer and Wise. They teach a system of education that emphasizes the skills necessary to learn on ones own.
As citizens we also owe it to ourselves to know enough about what is going on in our society that we can perceive either threats or opportunities as they occur. We do not have the luxury of burying our heads in the sand.
We also owe it to ourselves to know enough about governance that we can identify and avoid at least the obvious and foreseeable pitfalls.
We also owe it to ourselves, as citizens, to join with others to take action as opportunities and threats materialize.
It is always possible for some few to bury their heads in the sand and not take part in the surrounding society but that is not possible for great percentages of the society IMHO.
I've said before that my family has often held elected office. Of course JS always begins ranting at this point. My study of my family history informs me that people that try to be full time politicians aren't nearly as successful as people that believe in limited government. The most successful people are fully rounded people that help with governance but who devote most of their effort to their private affairs.
If you read von Hayek you will find that much the same applies to governments. The more a government governs paradoxically the more they have to govern. They are trapped in an ever growing vicious cycle.
If we maintain our government as a democracy with limited powers then governance is not so onerous that we can't do quite well with part time office holders.
So, lets assume that you (plural and general not singular) don't wish to participate in governance. What do you owe to yourself as a citizen?
I recommend that at a minimum you study the candidates and issues being voted on at each election and then vote against the ones you discover to be Morlocks or issues that are not in your best interests. As a rule of thumb I vote against anyone that promises me something personally.
Me? I've never had any ambition to hold elective office nor any other kind of public office. However, I do enjoy the hurley burley of working in a political campaign. So, this year I will be licking stamps for the party of my choice and helping its candidates get its message out.
I have a friend in the other big party, we swap gossip and comments, so I know that other people will be helping that party just as I help the other.
That is where the voting citizen comes in. (Remember that on election day I am a voter not a political worker) I hope we all vote against the Morlocks. Further, I hope we all vote against those trying to extend our government into private areas.
That is my two cents. I will appreciate hearing your comments, questions or even slanderous remarks. (Very Big Grin)

Re: Ron~watch the serfs on Monday night....

Well, the West was a cleansweep of Conservatives , as expected. They gain 10 seats in Quebec which is good, they haven't had representation in that province in I can't remember how many years. Anyhoo they didn't exactly topple the Morlocks. Won with a minority government but at least they're in. Steven Harper is one of the first in decades who wasn't a silver spooned lawyer. He's an economist and we feel he's honest and will cut taxes, do away with the horribly usesless billions of dollar$ gun registry which was supposedly enacted to lower crime rates. They've increased. I won't drag~on about that skew up. We'll be putting pressure on changing the age of consent from 14 years old to at least 16 or 18. Parents couldn't believe the Liberal gov approved such an autrosity (sp) . There we go again, maybe there are a lot of old perverts in that party who like youngsters. Steven will do ok, unfortunately it's a minority gov., so they'll have to deal with more Morlocks which will slow down progress. Arrrrghhh, Quite a few high roller liberals lost their ridings and they get a golden pension for life of over $100 thou a year paid for by the you know who's. Ron, I'm toast talking politicals/elitists for now.
Our guy is the new leader On the plus side George Bush phoned him this morning with congrats. Maybe our countries can work together again. The Libs gave us a very anti-American Rap. Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to purchase expensive passports visit friends and family in either of our countries. I doubt that'll happen with all the terrorism fear.

Bobby who's semi happy with the results, we'll see.

Re: Ron~watch the serfs on Monday night....

Well, the West was a cleansweep of Conservatives , as expected. They gain 10 seats in Quebec which is good, they haven't had representation in that province in I can't remember how many years. Anyhoo they didn't exactly topple the Morlocks. Won with a minority government but at least they're in. Steven Harper is one of the first in decades who wasn't a silver spooned lawyer. He's an economist and we feel he's honest and will cut taxes, do away with the horribly usesless billions of dollar$ gun registry which was supposedly enacted to lower crime rates. They've increased. I won't drag~on about that skew up. We'll be putting pressure on changing the age of consent from 14 years old to at least 16 or 18. Parents couldn't believe the Liberal gov approved such an autrosity (sp) . There we go again, maybe there are a lot of old perverts in that party who like youngsters. Steven will do ok, unfortunately it's a minority gov., so they'll have to deal with more Morlocks which will slow down progress. Arrrrghhh, Quite a few high roller liberals lost their ridings and they get a golden pension for life of over $100 thou a year paid for by the you know who's. Ron, I'm toast talking politicals/elitists for now.
Our guy is the new leader On the plus side George Bush phoned him this morning with congrats. Maybe our countries can work together again. The Libs gave us a very anti-American Rap. Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to purchase expensive passports visit friends and family in either of our countries. I doubt that'll happen with all the terrorism fear.

Bobby who's semi happy with the results, we'll see.

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Replying to:

Bobby, "Our family is foccusing on the future, dwelling in the past isn't our goal, learning from past errors and forging forward is our goal."
If I put that together with your comment about not being a follower then it sounds to me as if you have a great plan.
However as I read your comments about what I've said I seem to be misunderstood. No doubt if I am misunderstood it is due to my not explaining my position clearly.
In the first place my comments are intended only in regard to my own country. I am a citizen here and have a vested interest in my country's future.
I have visited Canada, as well as most of the US, and enjoyed my travels very much. However I am not a citizen of Canada so if I made any comments about its governance my comments would be strictly gratuitous.
So what am I recommending for my own country. I contend that our first job as citizens is a responsibility to educate ourselves. As parents we have an obligation to educate our children at least to the point that they can assume that responsibility themselves. That is exactly why I am a devotee of Bauer and Wise. They teach a system of education that emphasizes the skills necessary to learn on ones own.
As citizens we also owe it to ourselves to know enough about what is going on in our society that we can perceive either threats or opportunities as they occur. We do not have the luxury of burying our heads in the sand.
We also owe it to ourselves to know enough about governance that we can identify and avoid at least the obvious and foreseeable pitfalls.
We also owe it to ourselves, as citizens, to join with others to take action as opportunities and threats materialize.
It is always possible for some few to bury their heads in the sand and not take part in the surrounding society but that is not possible for great percentages of the society IMHO.
I've said before that my family has often held elected office. Of course JS always begins ranting at this point. My study of my family history informs me that people that try to be full time politicians aren't nearly as successful as people that believe in limited government. The most successful people are fully rounded people that help with governance but who devote most of their effort to their private affairs.
If you read von Hayek you will find that much the same applies to governments. The more a government governs paradoxically the more they have to govern. They are trapped in an ever growing vicious cycle.
If we maintain our government as a democracy with limited powers then governance is not so onerous that we can't do quite well with part time office holders.
So, lets assume that you (plural and general not singular) don't wish to participate in governance. What do you owe to yourself as a citizen?
I recommend that at a minimum you study the candidates and issues being voted on at each election and then vote against the ones you discover to be Morlocks or issues that are not in your best interests. As a rule of thumb I vote against anyone that promises me something personally.
Me? I've never had any ambition to hold elective office nor any other kind of public office. However, I do enjoy the hurley burley of working in a political campaign. So, this year I will be licking stamps for the party of my choice and helping its candidates get its message out.
I have a friend in the other big party, we swap gossip and comments, so I know that other people will be helping that party just as I help the other.
That is where the voting citizen comes in. (Remember that on election day I am a voter not a political worker) I hope we all vote against the Morlocks. Further, I hope we all vote against those trying to extend our government into private areas.
That is my two cents. I will appreciate hearing your comments, questions or even slanderous remarks. (Very Big Grin)

Monday is election time, Ron...

We are your neighbor! I grew up across the puddle from Detroit. Now I live in western Canada.

On MONDAY , Canadian Serfs are going to the polls. (AGain) I would appreciate some positive vibes for Steven Harper, he's a good person, honest and will follow through what he promises. Please send some positive waves to Steven, he needs all the help he can to get rid of our thieving Paul Martin government. I've been watchin our primeminister (leader) on his campain tours and he is one scary man. Last night I nearly fell off the couch, told hubby Martan reminded me of Hitler the way he talks (yells)...(sigh))

Sorry Ron for the vent, but it's very important that Canada overturns our present dictatorship.... We are neighbors!!! Please send positive waves to Stevan Harper on Monday...

I need ZZZZ's ,we've lived under a corrupt thieving dictatorship for 12 years, think positive vibes for us please......

Windsor & Detroit

Bobby, "We are your neighbor! I grew up across the puddle from Detroit. Now I live in western Canada."

I used to consult at the Ford Engine Plant in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
We would stay at the Holiday Inn down on the waterfront. Either at the hotel or downtown at on of the sidewalk cafes, maybe both, we could look across the water at Detroit. My constant comment was that once you got outside the US it didn't look too bad.
That brings me to your problems if you are trying to convince Canada to become more capitalistic or libertarian.
As an American coming as I do from the outside the differences in the two societies were very noticable. Canada was much more socialistic right down to its core.
If you are to accomplish your goal then you are going to go through many incremental victories before the final result is achieved.
In many ways we are far ahead of you. BTW, in my saying that we were ahead of you keep in mind that 35 years ago one of our major papers predicted that East St. Louis, Illinois was 20 years ahead of any other American city -- on the down hill side. I believe that is the side of socialism that we lead you. Our people seem to have seen enough of the downside of socialism to have begun to learn their lesson.
Anyway, to repeat myself, I am not a citizen of Canada, I can't vote there and I don't have to live with the results so please forgive me if I have intruded on your affairs.

Please remember, keep voting against the Morlocks and against their schemes. Even if you lose while against them you reduce their margin of victory and in turn reduce their mandate to rule -- politicians place great store in their "mandate."

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