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Not the feel good story of the year

"Self-pity is our worst enemy, and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in the world."

You should feel honored that I read this tiresome monologue. Now at least you may get pity attention from the other posters.

Re: Not the feel good story of the year

Well, it was tiresome and useless in a way. Maybe it was more for me than anyone else. Right on, self pity is horrible. I indulged in it for too long. It's a thing of the past. I'm married and doing quite well. I became a millionaire through inheritence at the tender age of 26 and went through a strange experience with everyone in town acting very differently toward me. (I have since moved away and rarely visit) It wasn't all downside. It's nice to know I can quit work anytime I want. If anything girls perhaps had trouble with me because through no fault of my own I have a very high pitched, soft voice. (my birth defect) There's nothing I can do about it. I wanted to stress mainly the reality my youth, it was hampered by wrong attitudes, beliefs etc.

The sexy 2.8 M$ part is absolutely true. That was back in '97. I'm even richer now. I won't say by how much because I don't really know think 12% annually. You probably like me even less now that you know a glimpse of the other part of the story. You certainly can't pity me. Money never made me happy though, but I can assure you it's kind of cool being rich.


I did not find your story boring at all. It was so much like what school was like eons ago when I graduated ('73). What was surprising was the affluence of your classmates but the problems being the same as at my "poor side of the tracks" school. Pecking orders, herd behavior, petty meannesses, focusing and obssessing on the unimportant. I LOL at the duct tape part. Kids and their limited perspective. Imagine how different your life might have been if your successful dad had just ditched the "school" and taken you to work with him every day. I'm glad for your financial well-being, it makes life a little easier, anyway, and it sounds like you deserve it.

Dear Muggsy, the quote-and-paste intellectual

Self-pity is our worst enemy? I thought licentious sex was our worst enemy. Oh no, wait a minute. Hatred is our worst enemy. No, that can't be right. Let's see, I think being contemptuous of other people is our worst enemy.

Well, I'll think of the real worst when I think of the absolute bestest.

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Replying to:

"Self-pity is our worst enemy, and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in the world."

You should feel honored that I read this tiresome monologue. Now at least you may get pity attention from the other posters.

You're a breath of fresh air Spartacus, THANKYOU :-)))

Isn't it amazing , how one song can bring back so many

I grew up across the puddle from Detroit (MoTown). My favorite music was Bobby Dylan, Denver and Gordon Lightfoot. My teenhood was during the Vietnam war..... Geee, now you know how old I am ;-)

Lyrics from Rushs' Subdivisions are great, thankyou.

Bobby aka Oma

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