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The Odysseus Group's Education Debate & Discussion Forum

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The Odysseus Group's Education Debate & Discussion Forum
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civic education

I have problem to understand the following terms ( their similarity and differences). Can any one help me please in sharing what s/he know?

moral education
value education
character education
citenship education
civic education
ethical education
political education
democracy education
moral value education
moral character education



Re: civic education

In the preface to Charlotte Iserbyts book "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" the author points out that controversial programs and classes always end with "education" (probably because it legitimizes them, it is one of those knee jerk "stimulus" words the populace is trained to associate with "good" and "necessary" without questioning the meaning or the context in which it's used). English, math, science, etc. are able to be understood on their own merits. Those topics are all programs to instill one groups belief system into another group of people (usually children unable to defend their original belief system against the "teachers"). All of those topics are dangerous when taught by rulers, since they will always teach and train people to do what is best for the rulers at their own expense.

Hellow Gebre

Are these courses that your college offers? Not sure what you need?
Take away the word "education" and you have, morals,values, character, citizenship, civics, ethics, politics... Democracy.. as for moral values and moral character ''EDUCATION???? It's a re~run of the above. Whats up?

Are these courses you're taking in school?

If you need help , spit it out Gebre.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

I have problem to understand the following terms ( their similarity and differences). Can any one help me please in sharing what s/he know?

moral education
value education
character education
citenship education
civic education
ethical education
political education
democracy education
moral value education
moral character education



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